Solar Farm Petition
Protect Lincolnshire’s Farmland: Prioritise Food Security Over Industrial-Scale Solar Farms
To: [Local Council/MP/Planning Authorities]
We, the undersigned, call for an immediate halt to large-scale solar developments on Lincolnshire’s agricultural land.
Lincolnshire is the breadbasket of Britain, producing food that feeds our nation. Yet, prime farmland is under threat from industrial solar farms that will take fertile land out of food production, damage our rural landscape, and disrupt local ecosystems.
We fully support renewable energy, but it must be done responsibly. That means prioritising solar panels on brownfield sites, industrial areas, and rooftops—not covering our most valuable farmland. Once this land is lost, it’s lost forever.
We demand:
A ban on large solar farms on high-quality agricultural land.
A commitment to food security by protecting Lincolnshire’s farmland for farming.
A renewable energy strategy that prioritises non-agricultural sites for solar development.
Stronger local consultation so that residents’ voices are heard in planning decisions.
Our countryside should not be sacrificed for poorly planned energy projects. Lincolnshire’s farmland is a national asset—let’s protect it for future generations.
Sign this petition below to demand action before it’s too late.
Petition: Protect Lincolnshire's farmland: Prioritise food security over industrial-scale solar farms.
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